Based on the 1985 Michael J. Fox film, the MTV series stars Tyler Posey as a high school student who gets superpowers, including the ability to woo girls, after a wolf attack. "Teen Wolf" is the story of Scott as he tries to walk the line between what he wants and what he can't help from wanting. Will the bite end up being a gift? Or will it be a curse? And what will it all mean for his relationship with Allison - the girl he can't get enough of? Only time will tell if he should embrace his newfound powers, or if he should fear them.
Scott and the others are trapped inside the high school as the Alpha draws near. The gang gets trapped in the high school overnight, and they're under the threat of attack from a powerful werewolf, who's trying to get in.
Scott and Stiles come up with ways for him to control the transformation in order to be with Allison. Derek continues trying to make an ally of Scott in both his battle with the hunters and in his goal to find a mysterious figure that both sides are tracking.
A new hunter in town puts Derek's life in danger, forcing him to make reluctant allies out of Scott and Stiles. While Scott tries to survive dinner with Allison and her father, Stiles attempts to keep a mortally wounded Derek alive.
When Scott McCall is convinced by his best friend, Stiles, to join a search in the woods for a missing body, something comes out of the darkness to take a bite out of his side. As strange abilities begin to take affect the next day, Scott meets the beautiful new girl in town, Allison, whose family secrets further complicate his life.
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