The Daily Show (currently The Daily Show with Jon Stewart) is a Peabody and Emmy Award-winning half-hour American satiric news television program produced by and run on the Comedy Central cable television network. The show premiered on Monday, July 22, 1996, and was hosted by Craig Kilborn, who acted as an anchorman. In 1998, Kilborn left the show and was replaced by Jon Stewart in early 1999.
The program has grown in popularity since Stewart took over hosting, with organizations such as the Pew Research Center claiming that it has become a primary source of news for many young people, an assertion the show's staff have repeatedly rejected. Critics, including series co-creator Lizz Winstead (who has since changed her view[1]), have chastised Stewart for not conducting sufficiently hard-hitting interviews with his political guests, some of whom he may have previously lampooned in other segments. Stewart and other Daily Show writers have responded to both criticisms by saying that they do not have any journalistic responsibility and that as comedians their only duty is to provide entertainment. Stewart's appearance on the CNN show Crossfire outlined this debate, where he chastised the CNN production and hosts for not conducting informative and current interviews on a news network.
Forget the 24 hour biased left wing news media, the best fake news show in the world will provide you with all the news you can handle. The Daily Show is a comedic view of recent news headlines and political figures through a series of satirical monologues by Jon Stewart along with segments by "correspondents" and finally interviews with guest celebrities and political figures. Craig Kilborn (SportsCenter) was the original host until the fourth season when Jon Stewart (The Jon Stewart Show) came in to take over after Kilborn left for CBS.
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